Affordable Makeup Brushes


Hi there! This post has been highly requested because many readers are under the impression that brushes have to either be poor quality and cheap, or straight from the MAC store. I’ve decided to give you an idea of some affordable brushes that I found have worked for me.

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How to: Clean Your Makeup Brushes


I have no idea where to start with regards to stressing the importance of clean beauty tools. All I can say is, for those of you who didn’t know — makeup brushes are to be cleaned, just like hair brushes. All you need is warm water and shampoo (you can use regular shampoo or baby shampoo).  Run the brush’s bristles under a little warm water, and swirl it into the shampoo that you would’ve already squirted into your palm. Do this until the water runs clean, and place the brushes to lay flat on a paper towel. Do not squeeze the bristles. Do this once a week, and for tweezers, be sure to sanitize before and after each use. Brushes with product buildup do not apply your makeup properly, and unclean tools lead to breakouts; no one wants that! 

Real Techniques Core Collection

Real Techniques Core Collection 20CDN Contains: a buffing brush, detailer brush, foundation brush and a contour brush

Real Techniques Core Collection 20CDN
Contains: a buffing brush, detailer brush, foundation brush and a contour brush

I had been hearing great things about the Real Techniques brushes, and I wanted to give them a try. I wanted the Core Collection in particular and the last few times I had gone to Wal Mart they weren’t in stock and when I called Target they don’t carry Real Techniques here in Canada. Anyhow, I got them and here is my review.

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